The process of instructing us is really quite straightforward, you'll be pleased to hear!

Once you have your judgment or possession order, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Complete the relevant form for what it is you want us to do. If you need any assistance with which is the right way for your case, please email
  2. If you are transferring up a judgment for money, you can instruct us online or using a downloadable PDF
  3. Send us a copy of the judgment or order (and also the claim form if it was processed online) and a cheque for the court fee made payable to SHCE Limited
  4. Please also send us as much information as you have about your debtor, as that will greatly help the enforcement officers when they attend to enforce the writ

Which form do you need?

Click on the relevant link to go to the right forms:

Next steps after you instruct us

Our transfer up team will manage the sealing and transfer of your judgment to the High Court for execution (there is no charge for this service). You may receive correspondence from them relating to the transfer.

As soon as we receive the High Court writ, we will arrange for our enforcement agents to attend as soon as possible