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We work with many local authorities to recover rent arrears, unpaid CCJs and evict trespassers from land or property.
We can transfer your unpaid judgments to the High Court for enforcement and attend to recover the amounts owed. Our enforcement officers are all highly professional and trained in how to identify and work with the vulnerable.
We can support you with the recovery of rent arrears and the repossession of both commercial and residential property that you own.
For commercial property, we can act either under Common Law or a court order.
We can remove trespassers and activists from property and land. When working with local authorities, we normally operate under a High Court writ to evict persons unknown from land or property.
Once you start working with us, we will provide you with a Key Account Manager who will be your main point of contact.
You can also find the relevant links to your right for more information.
On the successful removal of travellers from a community centre: Well done and many congratulations. I would be most grateful if, on my behalf, you'd thank all who helped resolve this problem.