The Sheriffs Are Coming
“The Sheriffs are Coming” is the hit BBC One series, winner of the best Daytime Programme at the Broadcast Awards 2014.

The Sheriffs Office has been involved in The Sheriffs Are Coming since the very first series in 2012, right up till 2019. We loved being part of the show and it was an honour when it won the Broadcast Award in 2014, but we felt that it had run its course and decided last year to no longer take part.
We would like to thank the BBC for giving us the opportunity to inform the general public over eight series about the advantages of High Court enforcement for those owed money. We would also like to thank all the fans of the show for their support and enthusiasm over the last eight years.
Eight series and counting
The sheriffs have been on BBC One for eight series now, plus five one hour re-edited primetime episodes. The first series debuted in 2012 and the most recent series was broadcast in March 2019.
You can find out more about the enforcement agents who take part in the show in "Meet the team".
About the programme
The programme follows the work of High Court Enforcement Officers from The Sheriffs Office attempting to recover money on behalf of their clients, who include individuals, as well as businesses and their solicitors who have won court judgments, but have not been paid.
As they battle against sieges, barricades and debtors who will do all they can to avoid paying what a judge says they owe, find out if The Sheriffs Office can help people in their hour of need.
Who are the Sheriffs?
We are High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) and until 2004 HCEOs were known as Sheriffs Officers.
HCEOs enforce County Court judgments (CCJ) over £600 and High Court judgments throughout England and Wales using a Writ of Control. Judgments up to six years old may be enforced by an HCEO.
Advice from our enforcement agents:
The advice from the enforcement agents taking part in the show is:
“If you get a judgment issued against you, don’t just ignore it. If you fail to pay it, don’t be surprised when a High Court Enforcement Officer attends and seizes your goods. So many debtors think they can just ignore the court paperwork; once we arrive and seize their goods, the sums due can increase significantly”.
If you’ve had a judgment issued against you and you haven’t paid it, there is every likelihood that the Sheriffs are coming!
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